Top "Sdwebimage" questions

SDWebImage is a simple image library for iOS which provides caching and an easy way to load remote images asynchronously into UIImageViews.

SDWebImage Download image and store to cache for key

Hello I am using the SDWebImage framework in a project and I want to download and cache images, but I …

objective-c uiimage sdwebimage
SDWebImage clearing cache

I'm displaying a list of icons downloaded from the web with text in a table view. The icons can be …

iphone objective-c ios sdwebimage
What happens to SDWebImage Cached Images in my app when the image file on the server changes?

I am using the SDWebImage library to cache web images in my app:…

iphone objective-c caching uiimageview sdwebimage
Show activity indicator in SDWebImage

I'm using SDWebView image and i want to show an Activity Indicator as placeholder, while fetching the image from remote. …

objective-c uiactivityindicatorview sdwebimage
SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.h file not found

I'm trying to use SDWebImage in my iPhone app. I followed the step by step tutorial to install SDWebImage into …

iphone objective-c ios sdwebimage
How to integrate latest SDWebImage API in my Swift based project?

I have used SDWebImage with Objective C and it worked great for me but now I am learning Swift and …

swift xcode6 sdwebimage ios8.1
How to show an activity indicator in SDWebImage

Currently i am integrating SDWebImage in my project by following below things 1)#import "UIButton+WebCache.h" 2)[button setImageWithURL:url placeholderImage:[…

iphone uiactivityindicatorview sdwebimage
SDWebImage : setImageWithURL fails when used to set image of a UITableViewCell

When call setImageWithURL, it fails with following, [UIImageView setImageWithURL:placeholderImage:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x149a20 2011-12-14 18:11:38.060 [781:707] Terminating …

uitableview sdwebimage
How to use completion block using SDWebImage in Swift 3.0?

Am using SDWebImage to download image. I want to do further operation if image is downloaded successfully. cell.appIcon.sd_…

ios swift3 sdwebimage
How to clear all cached images loaded from SDWebImage?

I have all images loaded on my app via SDWebImage. The downloading and caching works great, but I wanted to …

ios swift caching sdwebimage