Top "Sdwebimage" questions

SDWebImage is a simple image library for iOS which provides caching and an easy way to load remote images asynchronously into UIImageViews.

Ambiguous use of 'sd_setImage(with:placeholderImage:completed:)' with Swift 3

I am making the following call using SDWebImage on my imageView, which works fine with Swift 2 but gives an error …

ios sdwebimage swift3 xcode8
How to update image in cache when image changed on server with SDWebImage

I am using SDWebImage library to download images from server. SDWebImage not able update the …

ios objective-c caching sdwebimage
SDWebImage resizing/scaling/cropping images coming from url before caching them

How can I resize, scale and crop images coming from url before caching them. I tried to achieve this with …

objective-c ios5 sdwebimage
how to get width and height of image from url without downloading?

I'm using SDWebImage for showing images inside cells. But it is perfect mached to frame of UImageView that I'm doing …

ios uiimageview uiimage nsurl sdwebimage
How to install SDWebImage

I need to manage photos in my app and have read much about SDWebImage framework which seems to be the …

ios objective-c image-processing frameworks sdwebimage
Xcode: SDWebImage clear cache for single image

I'm using SDWebImage to asynchronous image downloader with cache support. It's working perfectly except that sometimes the image got updated …

xcode4 uiimageview sdwebimage
Set placeholder image only if image fails to load SDWebImage

I want to show the imageview's background color till the download is in progress and if the download fails or …

ios swift sdwebimage
How to use SDWebImage without any cache for one instance

I use the SDWebImage image downloading/caching library pretty much any time I display an image in a table view. …

iphone ios caching tableview sdwebimage
iOS SDWebImage fade in new image

I've been using SDWebImage on my iPhone app to handle all of the image loading. I am using a placeholder …

ios image asynchronous fade sdwebimage
How to set default image when imageURL is empty using SDWebImage - Swift

I have the following code at cellForRowAt function: let url = URL(string: myurl!) cell.empPhoto.image? = (cell.empPhoto.image?.circle)! …

ios swift sdwebimage