Top "Sdwebimage" questions

SDWebImage is a simple image library for iOS which provides caching and an easy way to load remote images asynchronously into UIImageViews.

how can I get the data of cached images SDWebImage

I'm using SDWebImage library to cache web images in my UICollectionView: cell.packItemImage.sd_setImage(with: URL(string: smileImageUrl[indexPath.…

ios swift sdwebimage
SDWebImage and setting custom HTTP headers?

I´ve just changed my code for caching images away from EGOImageCache to SDWebView. Unfortunately i don´t know how …

uiimageview http-headers sdwebimage image-caching
linker error with ShareKit ios

i have spent 3 days for searching the solution. I don't know what to do with this... I need the -ObjC …

ios objective-c linker sharekit sdwebimage
setBackgroundimage in UIButton using SDWebimage

I want to set the UIButton background image using SDWebImage. Code :- [btn.imageView setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"image url here"] …

ios sdwebimage
SDWebImage does not load remote images until scroll

I am using SDWebImage library to load remote images into a table view which uses a custom cell class i …

ios objective-c uitableview lazy-loading sdwebimage
Build fail when using SDWebImage

I am trying to use the classes of SDWebImage in my project. I've added the classes to my project and …

objective-c xcode sdwebimage
How to load a webp image with SDWebImage?

I'm using SDWebImage to load images in my iOS app and I now want to use the webp format. Here's …

ios sdwebimage webp
How to include SDWebImage framework

I am working on an iPhone app. In this app I have used many images and I need to store …

Image not loading immediately in Table View

I'm using SDWebImage and grabbing Images associated with a news article from a news API. The problem is, the images …

ios objective-c uitableview sdwebimage
SDWebImage always load the placeholder image not the image from URL

Um using the SDWeb image Here and these my Code : UIImageView *sellerImage = [[UIImageView alloc]init]; [sellerImage setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString …

iphone objective-c ios uiimageview sdwebimage