Top "Sdwebimage" questions

SDWebImage is a simple image library for iOS which provides caching and an easy way to load remote images asynchronously into UIImageViews.

Create a link on the ios filesystem with Objective-C

I'm trying to create a comic reader app which supports both online reading & off-line reading (by downloading). I've found …

iphone objective-c ios symlink sdwebimage
How to get Image size from URL in ios

How can I get the size(height/width) of an image from URL in objective-C? I want my container size …

objective-c afnetworking sdwebimage
No such module 'SDWebImage'

I installed SDWebImage using CocoaPods. My podfile was as it is written in the platform :…

ios swift2 cocoapods sdwebimage
iOS App Freezes on PushViewController

My navigation controller intermittently will freeze on push. It seems to add the new view controller onto the stack, but …

ios swift uinavigationcontroller sdwebimage