Top "Ios8.1" questions

Refers to the first minor version of Apple's iOS 8 operating system used on the iPhone, iPad, iPod, and upcoming Apple Watch devices.

Simulator error FBSSystemServiceDomain code 4

I'm trying to run an app in the simulator but get this error message: Unable to run app in Simulator …

ios ios-simulator xcode6 ios8.1
Transparent background for modally presented viewcontroller

I am using Parse & ParseUI. I want my PFLoginViewController subclass to have a transparent background. In the future, I …

swift parse-platform ios8.1
UITableView get titleForHeadersInSection swift

I want to set the title of the header in the section of UITableView. What is the syntax in swift …

uitableview swift swift-playground ios8.1
how to convert Int32 value to CGFloat in swift?

Here my code. I am passing two values into CGRectMake(..) and getting and error. let width = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(device.activeFormat.formatDescription …

swift ios8.1 cgfloat int32
Changing language on iOS 8.1 simulator does not work

If I change the language on an iOS 8.1 simulator to anything and try to detect this from code with NSString * …

ios localization ios-simulator xcode6.1 ios8.1
How to integrate latest SDWebImage API in my Swift based project?

I have used SDWebImage with Objective C and it worked great for me but now I am learning Swift and …

swift xcode6 sdwebimage ios8.1
Use of undeclared type 'AppDelegate' Swift

I've just spent half a day trying to solve next problem. I am testing the CoreData using Swift language. Follow …

ios core-data swift xcode6.1 ios8.1
becomeFirstResponder not working in iOS 8

I am using UITextField's method becomeFirstResponder to show the keyboard. This is working in iOS 7. But in iOS 8 this method …

ios iphone ios7 ios8 ios8.1
Tap Mic Input Using AVAudioEngine in Swift

I'm really excited about the new AVAudioEngine. It seems like a good API wrapper around audio unit. Unfortunately the documentation …

ios swift avfoundation core-audio ios8.1
Make navigation bar transparent regarding below image in iOS 8.1

I try to set my navigation bar transparent regarding a image below this, something like the following image : I tried …

ipad swift ios8.1