Top "Ios8.1" questions

Refers to the first minor version of Apple's iOS 8 operating system used on the iPhone, iPad, iPod, and upcoming Apple Watch devices.

Xcode 6.1 not detecting device iPhone 5s running iOS 8.1

My 5s was running fine with Xcode 6.0.1 when I was using iOS 8.0.2. But then I upgraded to iOS 8.1, build my …

xcode6.1 ios8.1
invalid redeclaration in auto code generate NSManagedObject Subclass Swift 3

Using Version 8.1 of Xcode. Create an entity named "MapRegionObject" in .xcdatamodeld file. Using auto code generator, click Editor on the …

ios core-data swift3 nsmanagedobject ios8.1
Reducing iOS App file size

I have made a very simple iPhone app with Xcode 6.1 and swift. I am really new to ios developing and …

ios xcode swift ios8.1 application-size
Swift Change textColor on Selection

How do I change the textColor of a label or a cell on selection in iOS Swift? I want the …

ios swift ios8 ios8.1
ALAssetsLibrary assetForURL: always returning nil for photos in "My Photo Stream" in iOS 8.1

This code worked fine in iOS 7 but in iOS 8.1 all assets located in the "My Photo Stream" album are nil …

ios alassetslibrary alasset ios8.1
How to enable developer mode on an iOS device without deploying an app to it using Xcode 6?

I'm holding off on installing Xcode 6.1 due to horrible reviews it gets. Without that version, I cannot build on iOS 8.1 …

iphone ipad debugging xcode6 ios8.1
how to request permission to retrieve user's email using twitter kit version 1.2.0 in ios8?

I have integrated twitter kit in my ios app by following this. I …

twitter twitter-oauth xcode6.1 ios8.1
ios 8 Simulator , is it possible to send push notification to the simulator

When i run the app in ios 8 Simultor, it is showing alert do you want to allow push notifications and …

ios push-notification ios8 ios8.1
NSURLSessionDataDelegate method didReceiveData and others are not called

I am having a problem that didReceiveData and didCompleteWithError are not called. Here is my code : class LoginViewController: UIViewController, NSURLSessionDataDelegate, …

swift ios8.1
NSLocale preferredLanguages objectAtIndex:0 always return "en"

Simulator's language already changed to Japanese, why [[NSLocale preferredLanguages] objectAtIndex:0] always return "en"? Neither preferred language nor region is related …

iphone nsuserdefaults region nslocale ios8.1