Twitter implementation of oauth
I am working on a Twitter project where I want to use OAuth but I don't know where to get …
twitter twitter-oauthI am completely new to using Twitter in general and have never embedded "latest tweets" on any project. I am …
javascript jquery twitter twitter-oauthHow to get email id of the user who accepted my Twitter application? I have gone through lot of forums. …
php twitter twitter-oauthThis morning I have received the dreaded 'The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API …
c# twitter webclient twitter-oauthI am new to OAuth and have been playing around with the Twitter API. I am able to fetch the …
twitter oauth twitter-oauthI use the below code to retrieve my tweets and echo json. This works fine. <?php session_start(); require_…
php twitter twitter-oauthWhat are the possible reasons that can cause token to become expired (besides having the user un-authorising the app)? My …
twitter twitter-oauthUsing Facebook's PHP SDK, I was able to get Facebook login working pretty quickly on my website. They simply set …
php html twitter twitter-oauthI want to integrate twitter in an android application and found many tutorials. Implemented 2 of them. But after implementing, when …
android twitter twitter-oauth twitter4j android-twitterHow to Exclude retweets and replies in a search api? I am trying to fetch the feeds from twitter using …
javascript twitter twitter-oauth