Top "Twitter-oauth" questions

Twitter implementation of oauth

Twitter4J + Android: Authentication Challenge is Null Exception

I'm using Twitter4J library for OAuth authentication but I get "Authentication Challenge is Null Exception" even before It opens …

android twitter oauth twitter-oauth twitter4j
how to request permission to retrieve user's email using twitter kit version 1.2.0 in ios8?

I have integrated twitter kit in my ios app by following this. I …

twitter twitter-oauth xcode6.1 ios8.1
tweepy Not Authorized - tweepy.error.TweepError: Not authorized

I get the following error when I try to use tweepy for twitter authentication. File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/…

twitter twitter-oauth tweepy
twitteR throws Forbidden error after entering twitter API PIN

I am trying to analyze some tweets using R and twitteR package. The handshake and registration code seems to work …

r twitter-bootstrap twitter oauth twitter-oauth
How to connect Facebook, Twitter & Google accounts in Java (Spring MVC)

I'm going through the features of social auth ( & wondering if this is the …

spring-mvc oauth twitter-oauth facebook-oauth socialauth
update_with_media using abraham's twitteroauth

I'm trying to implement an upload_with_media request from ajax using Abraham's twitteroauth library (TwitterOAuth v0.2.0-beta2). I've had …

php twitter twitter-oauth
Twitter App not taking localhost and as CallbackUrl

I am developing an Application on my localhost environment. Where I want to implement Twitter OAuth functionality in PHP. So …

php twitter twitter-oauth
Automated httr authentication with twitteR , provide response to interactive prompt in "batch" mode

I am using the R package twitteR to post items to Twitter. I put everything inside of a function and …

r twitter-oauth batch-processing
Why the method getOAuthAccessToken always fire the exception in the twitter4j api?

I'm following a lot of instructions to make a simple tweet from my app. I've already registered it on Twitter, …

android twitter twitter-oauth twitter4j
Go back after call Intent.ACTION_VIEW in android

My app has 3 activity A, B, C. Activity A calls B. In B, I call Intent.ACTION_VIEW to do …

android android-intent twitter-oauth twitter4j