Twitter implementation of oauth
I want to get a list of twitter followers/following of a particular user, when their screenname or …
python twitter twitter-oauth twythonI am currently trying to write some code to consumer the user stream from the Twitter streaming API: http://dev.…
c# .net twitter twitter-oauthI have set up OAuth authentication using the Owin middleware based off the default project that gets created when starting …
twitter oauth twitter-oauthDoes twitter have something similar to facebook application invite pop-up? In facebook you can write this: FB.init({ appId : 'xxx', …
twitter twitter-oauthHas anyone been able to get the OAuth access token for a user after being granted access to that users …
objective-c ios5 twitter twitter-oauth twrequestWhat solutions are out there for combining a Form auth with a OAuth auth ? Use Case: There is an website …
authentication oauth oauth-2.0 twitter-oauth facebook-oauthIn Android, Twitter connection failed. SSL is required? My code was working perfectly and it is currently a live application. …
android ssl twitter twitter-oauth twitter4jI've managed to program a login with Facebook system in my PHP webapplication. But now I'm a bit stuck in …
php oauth-2.0 twitter-oauth facebook-login facebook-oauth