Twitter implementation of oauth
When allowing login by OAuth (such as OpenID, Facebook, Twitter, etc), we save the access token given by the Oath …
authentication oauth facebook twitter-oauth facebook-oauthI am aiming to get a user's details based on his/her Twitter account. Now first of all, let me …
ios objective-c twitter twitter-oauth acaccountstoreI have made a basic app using Twitter's fabric that allows user to tweet within my app and Provide Login …
ios twitter xcode6 twitter-oauthtill now i was using twitter api v1,but my application suddenly stopped twitting,it shows me login failed every …
android twitter twitter-oauthI want to use spring social to develop an twitter app which will update status and upload photos.I am …
spring twitter twitter-oauth spring-social spring-social-twitterI'm trying to do the 3-legged authorization necessary to call the Twitter APIs in a browser. The process starts with …
twitter cors twitter-oauthWhen i try to get with my authorized credentials (oauth), i'm getting: { "errors": [ { "…
twitter twitter-oauthI have been trying to authenticate users using twitter-omniauth gem for last days, yet not successful. (Authentication with facebook works …
ruby-on-rails-3 twitter-oauth twitter-gemI'm making an iOS App that needs to show tweets in a List feed that i have set up. The …
objective-c twitter ios6 twitter-oauthLogcat: 12-05 23:37:01.721:W/System.err(534): 401:Authentication credentials ( were missing or incorrect. Ensure that you …
android twitter twitter-oauth twitter4j