Top "Twitter-oauth" questions

Twitter implementation of oauth

Can access token be longer than 255 characters?

When allowing login by OAuth (such as OpenID, Facebook, Twitter, etc), we save the access token given by the Oath …

authentication oauth facebook twitter-oauth facebook-oauth
Get user profile details (especially email address) from Twitter in iOS

I am aiming to get a user's details based on his/her Twitter account. Now first of all, let me …

ios objective-c twitter twitter-oauth acaccountstore
How to make User logout from twitter fabric ios

I have made a basic app using Twitter's fabric that allows user to tweet within my app and Provide Login …

ios twitter xcode6 twitter-oauth
How to Migrate Twitter API from v1 to v1.1?

till now i was using twitter api v1,but my application suddenly stopped twitting,it shows me login failed every …

android twitter twitter-oauth
Spring Social Twitter Oauth

I want to use spring social to develop an twitter app which will update status and upload photos.I am …

spring twitter twitter-oauth spring-social spring-social-twitter
Twitter API authorization fails CORS preflight in browser

I'm trying to do the 3-legged authorization necessary to call the Twitter APIs in a browser. The process starts with …

twitter cors twitter-oauth
Error Code 220 - "Your credentials do not allow access to this resource" When tryig to get retweets

When i try to get with my authorized credentials (oauth), i'm getting: { "errors": [ { "…

twitter twitter-oauth
OAuth::Unauthorized 401 int twitter-omniauth gem

I have been trying to authenticate users using twitter-omniauth gem for last days, yet not successful. (Authentication with facebook works …

ruby-on-rails-3 twitter-oauth twitter-gem
Why this error ' - Read-only application cannot POST '

Logcat: 12-05 23:37:01.721:W/System.err(534): 401:Authentication credentials ( were missing or incorrect. Ensure that you …

android twitter twitter-oauth twitter4j