Top "Twython" questions

An actively maintained, pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API.

Fetching tweets with hashtag from Twitter using Python

How do we find or fetch tweets on the basis of hash tag. i.e. I want to find tweets …

python twitter twython
Using Twython to send a tweet, twitter api error

I'm trying to make python send a tweet for me using Twython but for some reason everything I'm trying isn't …

python python-2.7 twitter twython
Twitter API returned a 401 (Unauthorized), An error occurred processing your request

Here's my code for getting the followers and updating a status: from twython import Twython,TwythonError APP_KEY='mykey' APP_…

python twitter twitter-oauth twython
Pymongo: bson.errors.InvalidDocument: Cannot encode object: <pymongo.cursor.Cursor object at 0xc61990>

I am trying to insert a dictionary using Pymongo into a MongoDB collection. The code segment is newdict = {'id': a, …

python mongodb mongodb-query pymongo twython
ReadTimeoutError: Twitter Streaming API

I want to get some tweets regarding aggressive dogs. My keywords are specified in the code. All of them refer …

python sockets twitter streaming twython
Twitter API: How to exclude retweets when searching tweets using Twython

I'm trying to exclude retweets and replies in my Twython search. Here is my code: from twython import Twython, TwythonError …

python twitter twython
How to get twitter followers using Twython?

I want to get a list of twitter followers/following of a particular user, when their screenname or …

python twitter twitter-oauth twython
How do I return more than 100 Twitter search results with Twython?

Twitter only returns 100 tweets per "page" when returning search results on the API. They provide the max_id and since_…

python twitter twython