I'm trying to exclude retweets
and replies
in my Twython
Here is my code:
from twython import Twython, TwythonError
app_key = "xxxx"
app_secret = "xxxx"
oauth_token = "xxxx"
oauth_token_secret = "xxxx"
naughty_words = [" -RT"]
good_words = ["search phrase", "another search phrase"]
filter = " OR ".join(good_words)
blacklist = " -".join(naughty_words)
keywords = filter + blacklist
twitter = Twython(app_key, app_secret, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret)
search_results = twitter.search(q=keywords, count=100)
The problem is that the -RT
function isn't really working.
I've tried @forge suggestion, and while it does print the if tweets are not retweets or replies, when I incorporate them into the code below, the bot still finds tweets, retweets, quotes and replies.
twitter = Twython(app_key, app_secret, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret) query = 'beer OR wine AND -filter:retweets AND -filter:replies'
response = twitter.search(q=query, count=100)
statuses = response['statuses']
for tweet in statuses:
twitter.retweet(id = tweet["id_str"])
except TwythonError as e:
print e
except TwythonError as e:
print e
Any ideas? Is there a filter:quotes
The correct syntax is -filter:retweets
If you would like to search on terms "search phrase"
or "another search phrase"
and exclude retweets, then the query
should be:
query = "search_phrase OR another_search_phrase -filter:retweets"
To exclude replies as well, add -filter:replies
like this:
query = "search_phrase OR another_search_phrase -filter:retweets AND -filter:replies"
This should be working, you can verify it by checking the status fields in_reply_to_status_id
and retweeted_status
is emptyretweeted_status
With Twython
import twython
query = 'wine OR beer -filter:retweets AND -filter:replies'
response = twitter.search(q=query, count=100)
statuses = response['statuses']
for status in statuses:
print status['in_reply_to_status_id'], status.has_key('retweeted_status')
# Output should be (None, False) to any status