Top "Uitouch" questions

UITouch is a class from UIKit framework in Apple iOS.

How can I detect the touch event of an UIImageView?

I have placed an image (UIImageView) on the navigation bar. Now I want to detect the touch event and want …

ios iphone uiimageview uitouch
Click Event on UIImageView programmatically in ios

I am displaying a image from code here is the code UIImageView *preArrowImage =[[UIImageView alloc]init ]; preArrowImage.image =[UIImage imageNamed:@"…

iphone ios uiimageview uitouch uitapgesturerecognizer
Detect if certain UIView was touched amongst other UIViews

I have 3 UIViews, layered on top of one large uiview. I want to know if the user touches the top …

iphone uiview uitouch
UIScrollview getting touch events

How can I detect touch points in my UIScrollView? The touches delegate methods are not working.

objective-c ios cocoa-touch uiscrollview uitouch
How to Zoom In/Out Photo on double Tap in the iPhone WWDC 2010 - 104 PhotoScroller

I am going through the Sample code of iPhone WWDC 2010 - 104 PhotoScroller App. It's working great with my project related …

iphone uiscrollview uitouch touchesbegan wwdc
UIButton with hold down action and release action

I want to create a UIButton that can be held down, when held down it calls the "hold down" action …

ios objective-c uibutton uitouch
UIButton with custom view - addTarget:action:forControlEvents: does not work

My button is as follows Created label1 Created label2 Created customView (UIView) Added label1 and label2 on custom view Created …

iphone ios uibutton uitouch
How to find out what view a touch event ended at?

I wish to drag a UIImage on to one of several UIButtons and have it repositioned based on which button …

ios objective-c touch uitouch
How do I display all touches on screen in order to demo an iPhone app?

Now that we have display mirroring on the iPad 2 (wired now... wireless coming in iOS 5), is there an easy way …

iphone ios uitouch
Getting the UITouch objects for a UIGestureRecognizer

Is there a way to get the UITouch objects associated with a gesture? UIGestureRecognizer doesn't seem to have any methods …

objective-c cocoa-touch ios uigesturerecognizer uitouch