Top "Uitouch" questions

UITouch is a class from UIKit framework in Apple iOS.

How to get current touch point and previous touch point in UIPanGestureRecognizer method?

I am new to iOS, I am using UIPanGestureRecognizer in my project. In which I have a requirement to get …

ios objective-c uipangesturerecognizer uitouch touchesbegan
How do you tell what object is being touched in touchesBegan?

I know that this is a very commonly asked question, but all of the answers on every website don't work! …

ios iphone uiimageview uitouch touchesbegan
How to cancel a sequence of UITouch events?

I have a UIImage view that responds to touch events. I want to cancel the touch sequence, i.e., further …

iphone ios uitouch touchesmoved uiresponder
UITouch touchesMoved Finger Direction and Speed

How can I get Speed and Direction of finger movements in touchmoved function? I want to get the finger speed …

iphone ios uitouch
UIView bringSubviewToFront: does *not* bring view to front

I am implementing a simple iOS solitaire game that allows the user to drag the cards around in the usual …

ios uiview uitouch
How to send a touch event to iPhone OS?

Im writing an app running in background on a jailbreak iphone. I need to send touch event to iPhone OS …

iphone uitouch
ios How to make UITextView detect one tap?

- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{ NSLog(@"touchesBegan"); //test UITouch *touch = [event allTouches] anyObject]; if ([touch tapCount] == 2) { NSLog (@"…

ios uitextview uitouch tap
touchesEnded not being called??? or randomly being called

If I lift my finger up off the first touch, then it will recognize the next touch just fine. It's …

iphone multi-touch uitouch touchesbegan
UIControl Not Receiving Touches

I have a UIControl which implements the touches began method like so: - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { […

iphone ios uitouch uicontrol
Comparing a UITouch location to UIImageView rectangle

I have the following code to determine if a touch is within an image view in my table cell. However, …

iphone objective-c cocoa-touch uikit uitouch