Top "Touchesmoved" questions

Use this tag for questions related to touchesMoved:withEvent, a UIResponder event-handling method in the UIKit framework and MonoTouch.

iOS - Detecting touches in a UIView?

So I have a Subclass of UIView that is suppose to detect touches. The view detect touches only if the …

ios uiview touchesmoved
How to cancel a sequence of UITouch events?

I have a UIImage view that responds to touch events. I want to cancel the touch sequence, i.e., further …

iphone ios uitouch touchesmoved uiresponder
Touch event handled by multiple views

I have a subclass of UIView on top of a UITableView. I am using the UITableView to display some data …

ios touch touchesmoved touch-event uievent
[IOS SDK]- touchesBegan with specific object?

When I touch anywhere on screen touchesBegan event triggered. but I couldn't manage how if I touch specific object as …

xcode ios4 touchesbegan nsset touchesmoved
How to detect touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded events from another class

I need to use touch events but i am trying to detect it from another class, so i will call …

ios objective-c touchesbegan touchesmoved touch-event
Make a UIView draggable with the finger

I have the mainViewController but I have an small UIView inside that is activated when you tap a MKAnnotationView in …

ios uiview draggable uitapgesturerecognizer touchesmoved