Top "Uitouch" questions

UITouch is a class from UIKit framework in Apple iOS.

When touches Cancelled method get invoked in iPhone?

I am able to understand that when user just touches the view, touches Began and Ended called. When user swipes …

iphone uitouch
UIButton TouchUpInside Touch Location

So I have a large UIButton, it is a UIButtonTypeCustom, and the button target is called for UIControlEventTouchUpInside. My question …

iphone uibutton touch uitouch sender
iOS How to dismiss UIAlertView with one tap anywhere?

I want to dismiss UIAlertView anywhere outside it with one tap. I want to show a UIAlertView without any button. …

ios uialertview uitouch uitapgesturerecognizer
iPhone Objective C: How to get a pixel's color of the touched point on an UIImageView?

iPhone Objective C: How to get a pixel's color of the touched point on an UIImageView, even if the parent …

iphone objective-c uiimageview pixel uitouch
Swift - programmatically click on point in screen

tl;dr- How can I programmatically perform a native touch in specific point on the screen? Within the web view …

ios swift webview uitouch
Is there any way at all that I can tell how hard the screen is being pressed

I want to find the pressure of the touch. I just don't know how to accomplish that result with out …

iphone uitouch pressure
how identify touch in a particular view

How to get touch on a particular view. I am using CGPoint Location = [[touches anyObject] locationInView:self.view ]; but want …

iphone uitouch
timestamp and calculating velocity of a swipe

Hey I know there are already a few posts about this - yet I still can't find an adequate answer …

iphone ios timestamp swipe uitouch
How to "transfer" first responder from one UIView to another?

I have a UIView subclass (CustomView for purposes of this question) that has its own handling of all touches events (…

iphone uiview uibutton uitouch first-responder
what is the difference between touch and tap in iOS

I am confused by the difference between touches and taps like touchUpInside event and one tap. Are they the same …

ios uitouch