Top "Sender" questions

sender is the conventional name of an input parameter to an event handler in some object-oriented languages and their frameworks, for example Objective-C and Cocoa, or C# and .NET.

What is the use of "object sender" and "EventArgs e" parameters?

In case of Page_Load, Init and other page events, what is the use of these (object sender, EventArgs e) …

c# events sender eventargs
How can I set the Sender's address in Jenkins?

I'm sending mail from Jenkins to an anonymous SMTP relay internally. That relay then securely sends mail to exchange online …

email smtp jenkins sender
Objective C: what is a "(id) sender"?

In some IBAction I saw: - (IBAction)pushButton:(id)sender; This (id)sender when do I use it?

objective-c ibaction sender
sending/receiving file UDP in python

I've made this sending / receiving scripts but i corrupted file ! i have no idea why I'm getting this issue ! sender.…

python sockets udp file-transfer sender
VB.NET What is Sender used for?

I'm confused as to the purpose of the sender parameter in Winform controls, for example: Private Sub Form1_Load(sender … sender
Sending email through Delphi

I have never worked with Delphi (my girlfriend have some experience), but there is a small tool that I want …

delphi email gmail sender
accessing UIButton by (id)sender

I have the following code -(IBAction)ATapped:(id)sender{ //want some way to hide the button which is tapped …

iphone objective-c uibutton sender
How to use "Sender" parameter with "As" operator for more then one class at a time?

In Delphi, sometimes we need to do this... function TForm1.EDIT_Click(Sender: TObject); begin (Sender As TEdit).Text := ''; …

delphi oop sender as-operator
iOS - passing Sender (button) name to addSubview

I have a main view with 3 buttons. Clicking on any of the buttons adds a SubView. The buttons have different …

ios uibutton subview viewdidload sender
Post notification with sender and object

I cannot seem to find out how to post a notification with an object and a sender. I can post …

objective-c object notifications sender