Top "Hittest" questions

Hit-testing (hit detection, picking, or pick correlation) is the process of determining whether a given object intersects another given object shape, line, or curve drawn on the screen.

How to test if a point is inside of a convex polygon in 2D integer coordinates?

The polygon is given as a list of Vector2I objects (2 dimensional, integer coordinates). How can i test if a …

geometry polygon hittest
unexpected nil window in _UIApplicationHandleEventFromQueueEvent

One of my old apps is not working with iOS8. When I start the app up, and try to tap …

ios8 hittest uiwindow
Swift: hitTest for UIView underneath another UIView

I have TransparentUIView on top of RedOrGreenUIView. TransparentUIView has a UILongPressGestureRecognizer attached to it. Once user begins a long touch …

ios xcode swift uiview hittest
WPF: How to make an overlay control with transparent canvas and clickable child

I want to make a custom control which will be used as an overlay. The control should contain a couple …

wpf custom-controls overlay transparent hittest
hitTest:WithEvent and Subviews

I have 2 views , but i want to make 1 view (virtually) bigger. if I place my tapGesture on v1, the tap …

iphone ios objective-c hittest uitapgesturerecognizer
Hit-testing SVG shapes?

The browsers which have implemented parts of the SVG spec (Firefox etc) do hit-testing for us for free - if …

javascript svg hittest
What is the preferred way to do a mouse rollover/rollout detection in Flash with AS3

Suppose we have a stage with two squares, like so: Suppose we'd like the yellow square to be initially hidden, …

actionscript-3 mouse rollover hittest rollout
How do I find the DOM node that is at a given (X,Y) position? (Hit test)

I have the coordinates (X,Y) of a point in an HTML document. How do I determine what DOM node …

javascript qt dom hittest
AS3 Stop character from moving through walls

I want to stop the movieclips movement when it hits a wall (another movieclip). The example below works, but after …

actionscript-3 flash hittest
UIView. Why Does A Subviews Outside its Parent's Extent Not Receive Touches?

I have a simple - trivial - UIView parent/child hierarchy. One parent (UIView). One child (UIButton). The parents bounds …

ios uiview hittest