Top "Tesseract" questions

Tesseract is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine originally developed at HP Labs and now available as an open source library with development sponsored by Google.

Cleaning up an image for OCR with ImageMagick and 'textcleaner'

I have the following image that I'd like to prepare for an OCR with tesseract: The objective is to clean …

imagemagick ocr tesseract imagemagick-convert
OCR: Image to text?

Before mark as copy or repeat question, please read the whole question first. I am able to do at pressent …

ios ocr xcode4.5 tesseract leptonica
Tess4J - Native library (linux-x86-64/ not found in resource path

I'm using Tess4J (JNA wrapper around tesseract), and trying to call tess.doOCR(myFile) to OCR text from a …

pdf tesseract ghostscript tess4j
How to get Hocr output using python-tesseract

I had been getting really good results using pytesseract but it is not able to preserve double spaces and they …

tesseract python-tesseract hocr
Install tesseract/pytesser on Mac OS X

I am trying to install this (and additionally pytesser) for osx 10.9 (with anaconda as default python). I have looked around …

python macos tesseract anaconda python-tesseract
Tesseract confuses two numbers

I'm writing an application to scan numbers from an image. The numbers are using the OCR-B font and may also …

ocr tesseract
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load stlport_shared: findLibrary returned null (tess-two)

I am using sqlcipher.jar for encrypting database in android and also using it's native library in libs/armeabi folder 1)…

java android android-ndk tesseract sqlcipher
Difference between Tesseract 3 and Tesseract 4?

What are the major differences between Tesseract 3 and Tesseract 4 ? And why should I choose one over the other ?

ocr tesseract
Tesseract SetVariable tessedit_char_whitelist in another language

Tesseract setVariable whitelist works ok for english language for example i use this to recognize only digits and letters from …

ocr tesseract whitelist
Tesseract traineddata not working in Swift 3.0 project using version 4.0

I'm attempting to use Tesseract-OCR-iOS in a new Swift 3.0 project. I'm using Xcode Version 8.1 (8B62). CocoaPods is version 1.1.1. When I …

ios swift ocr tesseract