java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load stlport_shared: findLibrary returned null (tess-two)

user2567369 picture user2567369 · Oct 26, 2013 · Viewed 11k times · Source

I am using sqlcipher.jar for encrypting database in android and also using it's native library in

libs/armeabi folder





libs/x86 folder




and jar file named sqlcipher.jar in libs/ folder all i have imported

now every thing is working fine it's going good database is fetching and reading from sqlite is also working fine and also i am not getting any kind of error in SQLiteDatabase.loadLibs(context); line

enter image description here but i want to implement also OCR in my project to do that i am importing project named tess-two from this and in that there is a library named tess-two folder

and i am importing that project library into my android project and i cleaned my project and run it at that time i got the error in line SQLiteDatabase.loadLibs(context);

enter image description here

again when i removed tess-two library and doing uninstall from device and doing clean and build and run it's working fine no error is occurring, i want OCR functionality also in my project can anybody help me


Dharmik picture Dharmik · Sep 12, 2014

I had same issue.. I was using Android Studio and I had imported application from eclipse to android studio.

I spent 3-4 hours to find out the solution. Here what I did to solve this issue.. (Only for Android studio) Create Directory into src folder name it main and other directory as per following image. You may have libs and assets folder outside of src folder, in main directory of project, that is eclipse structure. We will need to follow Android Studio's structure.. enter image description here

For more details.. Check this link...

For other helps regarding SqlCipher check this link..

(I know I am bit late to answer this question but it might help someone.)