Top "Tess4j" questions

Tess4J is a Java JNA wrapper for Tesseract OCR API.

Image preprocessing with OpenCV before doing character recognition (tesseract)

I'm trying to develop simple PC application for license plate recognition (Java + OpenCV + Tess4j). Images aren't really good (in …

java opencv tesseract tess4j anpr
Tess4j : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library

Im using tess4j.jar in my Eclipse project. When i run it on eclipse my project is working fine, …

eclipse dll tesseract unsatisfiedlinkerror tess4j
Tessj4 - Error opening data file ./tessdata/eng.traineddata

I have this problem in my web application in Tomcat 9: Error opening data file ./tessdata/eng.traineddata Please make sure …

java tess4j
Tess4J - Native library (linux-x86-64/ not found in resource path

I'm using Tess4J (JNA wrapper around tesseract), and trying to call tess.doOCR(myFile) to OCR text from a …

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Tess4J error after distributing as war NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class net.sourceforge.tess4j.TessAPI

I have Spring boot Webserver project which works ok in my PC under Intellij IDEA, but it not works after …

java maven jna tess4j