Tesseract is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine originally developed at HP Labs and now available as an open source library with development sponsored by Google.
I have started to use Pytesser, which works great with both english and chinese, but is there a way to …
python ocr tesseract python-tesseract pytesserI'm trying to use tesseract-OCR via python-tesseract to read a low resolution font that looks like this: Unfortunately that image …
ocr tesseract python-imaging-libraryI am trying to extract certain fields from a balance sheet. For example, I would like to be able to …
python ocr tesseractWhat would you recommend for recognizing all characters from a screenshot? The screenshot is perfectly clear (only black text on …
fonts ocr tesseract pattern-recognitionI am using tesseract as the OCR engine for my ANPR application. I have trained tesseract 3.01v with the numberplate …
c# image-processing ocr tesseract tessnet2I am trying to write code in Python for the manual Image preprocessing and recognition using Tesseract-OCR. Manual process: For …
python image opencv tesseract python-tesseractI have the need to develop a system that turns an image into a searchable PDF. How is a school …
c# pdf-generation ocr tesseract tessnet2I want to recognise the characters of NumberPlate. How to train the tesseract-ocr for respective number plate in ubuntu 16.04. Since …
ocr tesseract python-tesseract openalpr alprI'm trying to write an application to find the numbers inside an image and add them up. How can I …
java image-processing ocr tesseract hough-transform