Top "Tesseract" questions

Tesseract is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine originally developed at HP Labs and now available as an open source library with development sponsored by Google.

Using multiple languages in Pytesser

I have started to use Pytesser, which works great with both english and chinese, but is there a way to …

python ocr tesseract python-tesseract pytesser
Could not initialize Tesseract API with language=eng

I am working on an Android app that requires OCR. I have decided to use Tesseract as API but I …

android ocr tesseract tess-two
Is there any way to improve tesseract OCR with small fonts?

I'm trying to use tesseract-OCR via python-tesseract to read a low resolution font that looks like this: Unfortunately that image …

ocr tesseract python-imaging-library
Extracting fields from forms with varying structures

I am trying to extract certain fields from a balance sheet. For example, I would like to be able to …

python ocr tesseract
Best way to recognize characters in screenshot?

What would you recommend for recognizing all characters from a screenshot? The screenshot is perfectly clear (only black text on …

fonts ocr tesseract pattern-recognition
What files should be included in the tessdata folder after training tesseract?

I am using tesseract as the OCR engine for my ANPR application. I have trained tesseract 3.01v with the numberplate …

c# image-processing ocr tesseract tessnet2
Image to text recognition using Tesseract-OCR is better when Image is preprocessed manually using Gimp than my Python Code

I am trying to write code in Python for the manual Image preprocessing and recognition using Tesseract-OCR. Manual process: For …

python image opencv tesseract python-tesseract
tesseract (.NET) + searchable PDF. How to apply?

I have the need to develop a system that turns an image into a searchable PDF. How is a school …

c# pdf-generation ocr tesseract tessnet2
How to Create Traineddata file For Tesseract 4.1.0

I want to recognise the characters of NumberPlate. How to train the tesseract-ocr for respective number plate in ubuntu 16.04. Since …

ocr tesseract python-tesseract openalpr alpr
Recognize a number from an image

I'm trying to write an application to find the numbers inside an image and add them up. How can I …

java image-processing ocr tesseract hough-transform