Top "Tesseract" questions

Tesseract is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine originally developed at HP Labs and now available as an open source library with development sponsored by Google.

Page layout analysis using Tesseract?

Tesseract 3 is able to perform page layout analysis. However, I couldn't find any sample code or documentation on how to …

c++ image-processing ocr tesseract
Pytesser set character whitelist

Does anyone know how to set the character whitelist for Pytesseract? I want it to only output A-z and 0-9. …

python ocr tesseract pytesser
What OCR options exist beyond Tesseract?

I've used Tesseract a bit and it's results leave much to be desired. I'm currently detecting very small images (35x15, …

php python ruby ocr tesseract
Where I can find the list of available property name for tesseract->setvariable function's first parameter?

From the lots of goggling I am able to find only few of them as the below example for tesseract's …

ios xcode tesseract
iOS Tesseract OCR Image Preperation

I would like to implement an OCR application that would recognize text from Photos. I succeeded in Compiling and Integration …

ios image-processing ocr tesseract
Can I use OCR to detect font style (bold, italic)?

I am interested in using OCR to extract bold and italic words from a simple text. For example, if I …

ocr font-face tesseract
Tess4j : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library

Im using tess4j.jar in my Eclipse project. When i run it on eclipse my project is working fine, …

eclipse dll tesseract unsatisfiedlinkerror tess4j
chinese character recognition using Tesseract OCR

I have been using Tesseract 3.0.2 OCR SDK for image text extraction. But if I use Chinese text images and pass …

iphone ios ocr tesseract
Is number recognition on iPhone possible in real-time?

I need to recognise numbers from the camera image on iPhone, in real-time. I know there will be no more …

iphone ocr tesseract vision
Apache Tika extract scanned PDF files

i'm having some troubles using Apache TIKA (version 1.10). I got some PDF files which are just scanned pieces of paper. …

java pdf ocr tesseract apache-tika