Top "Tesseract" questions

Tesseract is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine originally developed at HP Labs and now available as an open source library with development sponsored by Google.

Can I test tesseract ocr in windows command line?

I am new to tesseract OCR. I tried to convert an image to tif and run it to see what …

ocr tesseract python-tesseract
How does one install Tesseract-OCR 3.03 in Ubuntu/Linux distributions?

A friend and I are interested in training the tesseract-OCR engine for a CV project. We tried using some wrappers …

linux ubuntu ocr tesseract
(-215:Assertion failed) !_src.empty() in function 'cv::cvtColor'

I am trying to recognize text from an image to then have the text outputted; however, this error spits out: …

python ocr tesseract cv2 python-tesseract
How do I segment a document using Tesseract then output the resulting bounding boxes and labels

I'm trying to get Tesseract to output a file with labelled bounding boxes that result from page segmentation (pre OCR). …

ocr tesseract hocr
Why Tesseract OCR library (iOS) cannot recognize text at all?

I'm trying to use Tesseract OCR library in my iOS application. I downloaded tesseract-ios library from github and when I …

ios objective-c ocr tesseract
Using Tesseract for handwriting recognition

I was just wondering how accurate can tesseract be for handwriting recognition if used with capital letters all in their …

android ocr tesseract handwriting
Which OCR Engine is better: Tesseract or OCRopus?

I have tried Tesseract with iPhone and assessed its accuracy to be 70% without image preprocessing. I also noticed that it …

ocr tesseract feature-extraction
how to avoid Permission denied while installing package for Python without sudo

I am trying to install the tesseract wrapper for python as user mike so that I can import tesseract. I'm …

python centos tesseract python-tesseract
Tesseract training for a new font

I'm still new to Tesseract OCR and after using it in my script noticed it had a relatively big error …

ocr tesseract
Tesseract handwriting with dictionary training

I have a dictionary of words in a text file, separated by newlines. And I want to recognize the handwriting …

android tesseract handwriting