Top "Hough-transform" questions

The Hough transform is a technique used to isolate features of a particular shape within an image.

Peak-finding algorithm for Python/SciPy

I can write something myself by finding zero-crossings of the first derivative or something, but it seems like a common-enough …

python scipy fft hough-transform
Horizontal Line detection with OpenCV

I am trying to find horizontal and vertical lines from an image which came from a "document". The documents are …

opencv image-processing hough-transform straight-line-detection
Algorithm to detect corners of paper sheet in photo

What is the best way to detect the corners of an invoice/receipt/sheet-of-paper in a photo? This is to …

image-processing opencv edge-detection hough-transform image-segmentation
A good approach for detecting lines in an image?

I've written some code that uses OpenCV libraries to detect white lines painted on grass. I need someone's opinion on …

opencv image-processing feature-detection edge-detection hough-transform
Rectangle detection with Hough transform

I'm trying to implement rectangle detection using the Hough transform, based on this paper. I programmed it using Matlab, but …

image-processing computer-vision hough-transform
Detect semicircle in OpenCV

I am trying to detect full circles and semicircles in an image. I am following the below mentioned procedure: Process …

opencv geometry hough-transform
Python How to detect vertical and horizontal lines in an image with HoughLines with OpenCV?

I m trying to obtain a threshold of the calibration chessboard. I cant detect directly the chessboard corners as there …

python opencv camera-calibration hough-transform
find intersection point of two lines drawn using houghlines opencv

How can I get the intersection points of lines down using opencv Hough lines algorithm? Here is my code: import …

python opencv numpy hough-transform
Android OpenCV Drawing Hough Lines

I am trying to use OpenCV on an android phone to detect lines. I modified the 'Tutorial 1 Basic - 2. Use …

android opencv hough-transform
How to detect lines accurately using HoughLines transform in openCV python?

I am a newbie in both python and opencv and I am facing a problem in detecting lines in the …

python numpy opencv3.0 hough-transform