Top "Camera-calibration" questions

In Computer Vision, camera-calibration is the process of finding the true parameters of the camera that produced a given photograph or video.

How to verify the correctness of calibration of a webcam?

I am totally new to camera calibration techniques... I am using OpenCV chessboard technique... I am using a webcam from …

opencv computer-vision camera-calibration
Python How to detect vertical and horizontal lines in an image with HoughLines with OpenCV?

I m trying to obtain a threshold of the calibration chessboard. I cant detect directly the chessboard corners as there …

python opencv camera-calibration hough-transform
Get 3D coordinates from 2D image pixel if extrinsic and intrinsic parameters are known

I am doing camera calibration from tsai algo. I got intrensic and extrinsic matrix, but how can I reconstruct the 3…

c++ opencv camera-calibration homogenous-transformation pose-estimation
OpenCV Stereo Camera Calibration/Image Rectification

I'm trying to calibrate my two Point Grey (Blackfly) cameras for stereo vision. I'm using the tutorial stereo_calib.cpp …

c++ opencv camera-calibration stereo-3d stereoscopy
Computing x,y coordinate (3D) from image point

I have a task to locate an object in 3D coordinate system. Since I have to get almost exact X …

opencv camera-calibration pose-estimation
findChessboardCorners fails for calibration image

I am trying to get OpenCV 2.4.5 to recognize a checkerboard pattern from my webcam. I couldn't get that working, so …

c++ opencv computer-vision camera-calibration
finding the real world coordinates of an image point

I am searching lots of resources on internet for many days but i couldnt solve the problem. I have a …

opencv image-processing projection camera-calibration
Why does the focal length in the camera intrinsics matrix have two dimensions?

In the pinhole camera model there is only one focal length which is between the principal point and the camera …

computer-vision camera-calibration perspectivecamera
how can i get the camera projection matrix out of calibrateCamera() return values

I am trying to get a 3x4 camera matrix for triangulation process but calibrateCamera() returns only 3x3 and 4x1 matrices. …

opencv triangulation camera-calibration
Camera pose estimation (OpenCV PnP)

I am trying to get a global pose estimate from an image of four fiducials with known global positions using …

opencv computational-geometry camera-calibration pose-estimation extrinsic-parameters