Top "Pose-estimation" questions

The specific task of determining the position and orientation of an object in an image relative to the camera coordinates is called Pose Estimation.

Camera position in world coordinate from cv::solvePnP

I have a calibrated camera (intrinsic matrix and distortion coefficients) and I want to know the camera position knowing some 3…

c++ opengl opencv computer-vision pose-estimation
Get 3D coordinates from 2D image pixel if extrinsic and intrinsic parameters are known

I am doing camera calibration from tsai algo. I got intrensic and extrinsic matrix, but how can I reconstruct the 3…

c++ opencv camera-calibration homogenous-transformation pose-estimation
Computing x,y coordinate (3D) from image point

I have a task to locate an object in 3D coordinate system. Since I have to get almost exact X …

opencv camera-calibration pose-estimation
Camera pose estimation (OpenCV PnP)

I am trying to get a global pose estimate from an image of four fiducials with known global positions using …

opencv computational-geometry camera-calibration pose-estimation extrinsic-parameters
How to determine world coordinates of a camera?

I have a rectangular target of known dimensions and location on a wall, and a mobile camera on a robot. …

opencv pose-estimation
OpenCV rotation (Rodrigues) and translation vectors for positioning 3D object in Unity3D

I'm using "OpenCV for Unity3d" asset (it's the same OpenCV package for Java but translated to C# for Unity3…

c# opencv unity3d augmented-reality pose-estimation
Sampson error for five point essential matrix estimation

I used the 5 point Method from Nister to calculate the Essential matrix . Further improved Outlier Rejection using RANSAC and Sampson …

matrix computer-vision ransac pose-estimation reprojection-error
OpenCV::solvePNP() - Assertion failed

I am trying to get the pose of the camera with the help of solvePNP() from OpenCV. After running my …

opencv runtime-error pose-estimation