Top "Hough-transform" questions

The Hough transform is a technique used to isolate features of a particular shape within an image.

How to merge lines after HoughLinesP?

My task is to find coordinates of lines (startX, startY, endX, endY) and rectangles (4 lines). Here is input file: I …

python opencv computer-vision hough-transform cv2
Python openCV detect parallel lines

I have an image and it has some shapes in it. I detected lines with using hough lines. How can …

python opencv hough-transform
Python and OpenCV - Improving my lane detection algorithm

I'll need to detect road lane from a video. Here is my way of doing it. Determine the Region of …

python algorithm opencv image-processing hough-transform
Choosing Lines From Hough Lines

I'm using Hough Lines to do corner detection for this image. i plan to find the intersection of the lines …

opencv computer-vision hough-transform
Explanation of rho and theta parameters in HoughLines

Can you give me a quick definition of rho and theta parameters in OpenCV's HoughLines function void cv::HoughLines ( InputArray …

opencv image-processing hough-transform
OpenCV: how to detect lines of a specific colour?

I am working on a small OpenCV project to detect lines of a certain colour from a mobile phone camera. …

c++ opencv feature-extraction hough-transform color-detection
HoughCircles Parameters to recognise balls

After processing an image by converting it to grey scale and then blurring it, I'm trying to apply a Hough …

opencv hough-transform