Top "Stderr" questions

The standard error output stream (stderr) is typically used by a program to output error messages or diagnostics.

c popen won't catch stderr

I'm trying to use popen() to catch the stderr of a call, but of course it doesn't seem to be …

c popen stderr
Run ffmpeg without outputting configuration information?

I'm invoking ffmpeg with subprocess.Popen, and trying to capture the stderr output and write it to logging. args = ['ffmpeg', …

python logging ffmpeg subprocess stderr
Merging a Python script's subprocess' stdout and stderr while keeping them distinguishable

I would like to direct a python script's subprocess' stdout and stdin into the same file. What I don't know …

python subprocess stdout stderr
How can I catch a "failed to decode JSON" error message in Perl?

So I am trying to load test a REST API which returns a JSON value. To do that I am …

json perl load-testing stderr
How can I reinitialize Perl's STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR?

I have a Perl script which forks and daemonizes itself. It's run by cron, so in order to not leave …

perl redirect stdout stdin stderr
How to redirect STDOUT and STDERR to a variable

I want to redirect STDERR and STDOUT to a variable. I did this. close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); my $out; open(…

perl system stdout stderr redirect
How do I temporarily redirect stderr in Ruby?

I'd like to temporarily redirect stderr in a Ruby script for the duration of a block, ensuring that I reset …

ruby stderr
How does Qt5 redirect qDebug() statements to the Qt Creator 2.6 console

After searching around for a reason that qDebug() statements work fine with Qt's standard message handler but fail when I …

c++ qt console qt-creator stderr
How to tee to stderr?

I want to split stdout so that it is printed both to stdout and stderr. This sounds like a job …

bash stderr tee
Nginx log to stderr

I want to redirect nginx access logs to stdout to be able to analyze them through journalctl (systemd). There is …

logging nginx stderr systemd