Top "Stderr" questions

The standard error output stream (stderr) is typically used by a program to output error messages or diagnostics.

Redirect perror output to fprintf(stderr, " ")

In case a system call function fails, we normally use perror to output the error message. I want to use …

c stderr errno
How do I write to standard error in PowerShell?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to both echo to the standard error stream and redirect the error stream of …

powershell powershell-2.0 stderr
How to capture stdout/stderr with googletest?

Is it possible to capture the stdout and stderr when using the googletest framework? For example, I would like to …

c++ unit-testing stdout stderr googletest
How is STDERR.puts different from puts in Ruby?

I'm learning the language from Programming Ruby 1.9, and they toss STDERR.puts into a block of code early in the …

ruby stderr
Difference between $stdout and STDOUT in Ruby

In Ruby, what is the difference between $stdout (preceded by a dollar sign) and STDOUT (in all caps)? When doing …

ruby stdout stderr output-redirect
How to close stdout and stderr in C?

I need to close stdout and stderr for one of my C program. How is it possible without exiting the …

c stdout stderr
How do I redirect stderr and stdout to file for a Ruby script?

How do I redirect stderr and stdout to file for a Ruby script?

ruby redirect stdout stderr
How do you print to stderr in R?

How do you print to stderr in R? This would especially useful for scripts written in Rscript.

r printing stderr
How to reroute stdout, stderr back to /dev/tty

I just ssh-ed to some remote server and found that stdout and stderr of all commands/processes I am trying …

linux bash stdout stderr tty
How to Pipe Output to a File When Running as a Systemd Service?

I'm having trouble piping the STDOUT & STDERR to a file when running a program as a systemd service. I've …

linux stdout fedora systemd stderr