Top "Stderr" questions

The standard error output stream (stderr) is typically used by a program to output error messages or diagnostics.

How to redirect stderr to null in cmd.exe

I have an application that logs a lot of noise to stderr and REALLY slows down the execution of the …

redirect stderr cmd
Piping both stdout and stderr in bash?

It seems that newer versions of bash have the &> operator, which (if I understand correctly), redirects both stdout …

bash stdout stderr piping
When should I use perror("...") and fprintf(stderr, "...")?

Reading the man pages and some code did not really help me in understanding the difference between - or better, …

c stderr
Bash script - store stderr in a variable

I'm writing a script to backup a database. I have the following line: mysqldump --user=$dbuser --password=$dbpswd \ --host=$host $…

bash scripting redirect stdout stderr
"subprocess.Popen" - checking for success and errors

I want to check if a subprocess has finished execution successfully or failed. Currently I have come up with a …

python python-3.x subprocess stdout stderr
With bash, how can I pipe standard error into another process?

It's well known how to pipe the standard ouput of a process into another processes standard input: proc1 | proc2 But …

bash pipe stderr
redirect stdout/stderr to a string

there has been many previous questions about redirecting stdout/stderr to a file. is there a way to redirect stdout/…

c++ c stdout stderr
How to redirect stderr in Python?

I would like to log all the output of a Python script. I tried: import sys log = [] class writer(object): …

python redirect stderr
Temporarily Redirect stdout/stderr

Is it possible to temporarily redirect stdout/stderr in Python (i.e. for the duration of a method)? Edit: The …

python redirect stdout stderr
How to debug "FastCGI sent in stderr: Primary script unknown while reading response header from upstream" and find the actual error message?

SO has many articles mentioning this error code: FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from …

php debugging nginx fastcgi stderr