Top "Stderr" questions

The standard error output stream (stderr) is typically used by a program to output error messages or diagnostics.

C: how to redirect stderr from System-command to stdout or file?

The shell command $ avrdude -c usbtiny outputs text to stderr. I cannot read it with commmands such as head-less-more cos …

c stdout stderr file-descriptor
Python: get output from a command line which exits with nonzero exit code

I am Using Python 2.7.1 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 box. I'm trying to get the output of a command …

python subprocess stdout windows-server-2008-r2 stderr
How to replicate tee behavior in Python when using subprocess?

I'm looking for a Python solution that will allow me to save the output of a command in a file …

python subprocess stdout stderr tee
bash: redirect (and append) stdout and stderr to file and terminal and get proper exit status

To redirect (and append) stdout and stderr to a file, while also displaying it on the terminal, I do this: …

bash stdout stderr tee
Can I send STDOUT and STDERR to a log file and also to the screen in Win32 Perl?

I've searched the Internet and have found some good solutions for teeing STDOUT to 2 different places. Like to a log …

perl logging redirect stdout stderr
suppress scapy warning message when importing the module

I'm writing a small script, that gathers some information using scapy and then returns some xml code, that I'll pass …

python hide stderr scapy output
What method should I use to write error messages to 'stderr' using 'printf' in a bash script?

I want to direct the output of a printf in a bash script to stderr instead of stdout. I am …

bash stderr io-redirection bash4
Understanding stdin stdout stderr

I'm trying to understand stdin stdout and stderr. I see them used in people's code all the time and I …

stdout stdin stderr
Python multiprocessing: How can I RELIABLY redirect stdout from a child process?

NB. I have seen Log output of multiprocessing.Process - unfortunately, it doesn't answer this question. I am creating a …

python windows stdout multiprocessing stderr
Python logging split between stdout and stderr

Is it possible to have python logging messages which are INFO or DEBUG to go to stdout and WARNING or …

python logging stderr