Top "Stderr" questions

The standard error output stream (stderr) is typically used by a program to output error messages or diagnostics.

In python, can I redirect the output of print function to stderr?

There're lots of print function (python 2.7) in my program. Is there any way I can add a few lines then …

python python-2.7 stderr
PHP CLI doesn't use stderr to output errors

I'm running the PHP CLI through a NSTask in MacOS, but this question is more about the CLI itself. I'm …

stdout stderr php nstask
Redirect stdout+stderr on a C# Windows service

I've written a Windows service in C# using the ServiceBase helper. During its execution, some procedures in an external native …

c# .net windows-services stdout stderr
Redirect stdout and stderr to the same file and restore it

I am redirecting the output of stderr and stdout of my c program to two files and then restoring the …

c redirect stdout output stderr
Redirect nohup's stderr to nohup.out

How do I run a command with nohup so that both the stdout and stderr are saved to nohup.out? …

bash shell stdout stderr nohup
How can I display a 'naked' error message in PowerShell without an accompanying stacktrace?

How can I write to standard error from PowerShell, or trap errors such that: An error message is displayed as …

powershell error-handling stderr exit-code
What's wrong with using System.err in Java?

I'm using the Enerjy ( static code analyzer tool on my Java code. It tells me that …

java static-analysis stderr
How to execute a command and get return code stdout and stderr of command in C++

Given the following answer (first c++11 answer): How do I execute a command and get the output of the command …

c++ c++11 process stdout stderr
"couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout" when running Cygwin commands

I am trying to setup some old version of Cygwin on my Windows 7 x64 OS. So far so good. Now …

windows-7 cygwin stdout stderr
PHP writing lots of text to STDERR

When writing a large chunk to STDOUT in PHP you can do this: echo <<<END_OF_STUFF …

php echo stdout stderr