Top "Scheme" questions

Scheme is a functional programming language in the Lisp family, closely modeled on lambda calculus with eager (applicative order) evaluation.

Including an external file in racket

I would like to include all the functions defined in a given racket file so that I get the same …

include scheme racket
Which language would you use for the self-study of SICP?

I've caught the bug to learn functional programming for real. So my next self-study project is to work through the …

functional-programming lisp clojure scheme sicp
Installing MIT Scheme on Windows 10 -- 'Requested Allocation is too large'

I'm trying to get Scheme going so I can work through "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" but I keep …

installation scheme sicp mit-scheme
Implementation of AKS primality test in Scheme or C++

I was reading about the prime test algorithm and found the AKS primality test. Could this algorithm be implemented in …

c++ scheme implementation primality-test
Why is this expression giving me a function body error?

(define (subtract-1 n) (string-append "Number is: " (number->string n)) (cond [(= n 0) "All done!"] [else (subtract-1(- n 1))])) I keep …

scheme racket racket-student-languages
What are the benefits of letrec?

While reading "The Seasoned Schemer" I've begun to learn about letrec. I understand what it does (can be duplicated with …

functional-programming lisp scheme racket letrec
How do I step through and debug a Scheme program using Dr. Racket?

I'm using the Dr. Racket development environment and the language definition #lang scheme to do work for a course. However, …

debugging scheme racket
How do I pass a list as a list of arguments in racket?

I have a statement like this: ((lambda (a b c) (+ a b c)) 1 2 3) ; Gives 6 And I would like to be …

list parameters scheme racket
What is the best way to automatically transpose a LilyPond source file into multiple keys?

problem I'm using LilyPond to typeset sheet music for a church choir to perform. Depending on who is available on …

scheme m4 lilypond typesetting music-notation
No idea how to solve SICP exercise 1.11

Exercise 1.11: A function f is defined by the rule that f(n) = n if n < 3 and f(n) = f(…

recursion scheme iteration sicp