Top "Implementation" questions

Deals with various issues of implementation.

Constructing a Binary tree in Java

I am constructing a binary tree. Let me know if this is a right way to do it. If not …

java data-structures binary-tree implementation
Gradle Implementation vs API configuration

I'm trying to figure it out what is the difference between api and implementation configuration while building my dependencies. In …

android gradle dependencies implementation
Implementing a while loop in android

I can't understand the implementation of a while loop in android. Whenever I implement a while loop inside the onCreate() …

android loops while-loop implementation logcat
Implementing Java Comparator

I am trying to write an algorithm which utilizes a min-priority queue, so I looked around on google and found …

java implementation priority-queue comparator
Implementation of Friend concept in Java

How does one implement the friend concept in Java (like C++)?

java implementation friend
How to link multiple implementation files in C

I have a number of .c files, i.e. the implementation files say main.c A.c B.c Where …

c compilation header implementation
Creating a chronometer in Android

I'd like to know how can I implement in Android a simple chronometer with a start and stop button that …

android implementation chronometer
Which provider should be used for the Java Persistence API (JPA) implemenation

I want to use the Java Persistence API (JPA) for my web application. There are popular JPA implementations like Hibernate, …

java jpa persistence implementation provider
Room cannot find implementation

I have a problem with testing a Room database: when I run the test, I get this exception: java.lang.…

android implementation android-room
OpenCV SURF function is not implemented

When I try to run the sample find_obj.cpp or any OpenCV SURF program I get the following error …

c++ visual-c++ opencv implementation surf