Top "Scheme" questions

Scheme is a functional programming language in the Lisp family, closely modeled on lambda calculus with eager (applicative order) evaluation.

How do I find the index of an element in a list in Racket?

This is trivial implement of course, but I feel there is certainly something built in to Racket that does this. …

lisp scheme racket
How many primitives does it take to build a LISP machine? Ten, seven or five?

On this site they say there are 10 LISP primitives. The primitives are: atom, quote, eq, car, cdr, cons, cond, lambda, …

clojure lisp scheme common-lisp primitive
Which Scheme IDE's are there?

I am planning on learning Scheme (by following SICP) and afterwards doing a project with this language. However, I was …

ide lisp scheme
Programming Scheme(Racket) with VIM - How to get started

recently, I started programming Racket (formerly Scheme) in DrRacket. I quite fast I began to miss all the features of …

vim lisp scheme racket
What is a 'thunk', as used in Scheme or in general?

I come across the word 'thunk' at a lot of places in code and documentation related to Scheme, and similar …

programming-languages functional-programming scheme
set-car!, set-cdr! unbound in racket?

I am just trying to do very simple code with set-car! and set-cdr! in racket, but I got the error: …

scheme racket
In Scheme, how do you use lambda to create a recursive function?

I'm in a Scheme class and I was curious about writing a recursive function without using define. The main problem, …

recursion lambda scheme anonymous-recursion
Why exactly is eval evil?

I know that Lisp and Scheme programmers usually say that eval should be avoided unless strictly necessary. I’ve seen …

clojure scheme lisp common-lisp eval
I got "scheme application not a procedure" in the last recursive calling of a function

so here is the code: (define (time-prime-test n) (newline) (display n) (start-prime-test n (runtime))) (define (start-prime-test n start-time) (if (prime? …

recursion if-statement scheme racket
Tail recursive functions in Scheme

I'm studying for a Christmas test and doing some sample exam questions, I've come across this one that has me …

recursion scheme tail-recursion