Top "Scheme" questions

Scheme is a functional programming language in the Lisp family, closely modeled on lambda calculus with eager (applicative order) evaluation.

In Scheme, what's the point of "set!"?

What's the point of using the set! assignment operator in scheme? Why not just rebind a variable to a new …

Converting String to integer in Scheme

How can I convert a string of digits to an integer ? I want "365" to be converted to 365. What I have …

scheme racket
How do I handle an unspecified number of parameters in Scheme?

For example ((fn-stringappend string-append) "a" "b" "c") I know how to handle this (f x y z). But what if …

function scheme variadic-functions variadic
Are there people using the Scheme programming language out there?

I have just started to study computer sciences at my university where they teach us programming in Scheme. Since I …

Which Lisp should I learn?

Which Lisp (dialect) should I learn, and why? The fragmentation between CL and Scheme slows uptake (at least for me!). …

lisp clojure scheme
How do I execute a .scm script (outside of the REPL) with MIT-Scheme?

I want to type something like 'scheme file.scm' and have it interpret the file, and then take me back …

scheme mit-scheme
Lisp Web Frameworks?

What are the popular (ok, popular is relative) web frameworks for the various flavours of LISP?

lisp scheme guile
How to run scheme with Emacs?

I followed this tutorial and successfully installed Emacs, STk, Quack. The question is how can I load my program like …

emacs scheme racket
What exactly is a symbol in lisp/scheme?

For the love of the almighty I have yet to understand the purpose of the symbol 'iamasymbol. I understand numbers, …

lisp scheme racket
Which lang packet is proper for SICP in Dr.Racket?

I'm trying with SICP and I got some code. So I started with: #lang scheme (word 'comp 'uter) Returned error: …

scheme sicp dr.racket