Top "Variadic" questions

In computer science, an operator or function is variadic if it can take a varying number of arguments; that is, if its arity is not fixed.

How to make a variadic macro (variable number of arguments)

I want to write a macro in C that accepts any number of parameters, not a specific number example: #define …

c g++ c-preprocessor variadic
Why use the params keyword?

I know this is a basic question, but I couldn't find an answer. Why use it? if you write a …

c# parameter-passing params variadic-functions variadic
Forward an invocation of a variadic function in C

In C, is it possible to forward the invocation of a variadic function? As in, int my_printf(char *fmt, ...) { …

c variadic
How to use R's ellipsis feature when writing your own function?

The R language has a nifty feature for defining functions that can take a variable number of arguments. For example, …

r function parameters ellipsis variadic
Is it possible to iterate over arguments in variadic macros?

I was wondering if it is possible to iterate over arguments passed to a variadic macro in C99 or using …

c foreach c99 c-preprocessor variadic
C++11 variable number of arguments, same specific type

Question is simple, how would I implement a function taking a variable number of arguments (alike the variadic template), however …

c++ c++11 variadic
Creating a string list and an enum list from a C++ macro

In order to make my code shorter and easier to change I want to replace something like enum{ E_AAA, …

c++ c macros c-preprocessor variadic
How to create a variadic generic lambda?

Since C++14 we can use generic lambdas: auto generic_lambda = [] (auto param) {}; This basically means that its call operator is …

c++ lambda c++14 variadic
How do I handle an unspecified number of parameters in Scheme?

For example ((fn-stringappend string-append) "a" "b" "c") I know how to handle this (f x y z). But what if …

function scheme variadic-functions variadic
Count of parameters in a parameter pack? Is there a C++0x std lib function for this?

I was just wondering if there was anything in the C++0x std lib already available to count the number …

c++ templates c++11 std variadic