Top "Restful-authentication" questions

Questions about authentication for RESTful services.

RESTful API Authentication

I have found quite a few questions on this topic on SO, but couldn't find any answering this question: Should …

api rest restful-authentication
How to Secure CouchDB

CouchDB access as a rest service seems insecure. Anyone can hit the database and delete/add documents once it is …

security couchdb restful-authentication
Codeigniter auth key for REST service

I'm writing a simple RESTful service, using Phil Sturgeon Rest Server. I want to protect my methods by using the …

codeigniter rest restful-authentication
RESTful user authentication service

Hey folks, this seems to have been discussion fairly often but I want to make a simple, watered down question …

web-services api rest restful-authentication
How do I authenticate user in REST web service?

How do I write the method for user authentication in REST web service? I am beginner with web services.

rest methods restful-authentication
rails - InvalidAuthenticityToken for json/xml requests

For some reason I'm getting an InvalidAuthenticityToken when making post requests to my application when using json or xml. My …

ruby-on-rails json restful-authentication
Authenticating mobile users against SAML IDP

I am looking for a solution for - authenticating mobile-app users against SAML IDP, and have got some basic queries (…

restful-authentication saml-2.0
Symfony2 App with RESTful authentication, using FOSRestBundle and FOSUserBundle

I'm making REST API for my JS driven app. During login, the login form is submitted via AJAX to url /…

php symfony fosuserbundle restful-authentication fosrestbundle
How do i authenticate a rest call in firebase?

I want to do a rest call on some data protected by some rule using the aid of my user, …

rest firebase restful-authentication firebase-realtime-database firebase-authentication
Custom Authorization Header

I know there is enough content for this question on the Stack Overflow but my subject is not the same …

api http http-headers authorization restful-authentication