Top "Firebase-realtime-database" questions

Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud hosted, NoSQL, JSON database that provides offline caching and synchronization.

Query based on multiple where clauses in Firebase

{ "movies": { "movie1": { "genre": "comedy", "name": "As good as it gets", "lead": "Jack Nicholson" }, "movie2": { "genre": "Horror", "name": "The Shining", "lead": "…

firebase firebase-realtime-database
how to get all child list from Firebase android

I want all child list from Firebase in android. I have implement this code but its not working. mFirebaseRef = new …

android firebase firebase-realtime-database groupchat
Firebase Permission Denied

I'm relatively new to coding and am having trouble. I have this code to send data to firebase app.userid = …

javascript firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-security
Android Firebase, simply get one child object's data

I have been looking for a way to get one child object's data in Android Firebase. I have found things …

android firebase firebase-realtime-database
Get the pushed ID for specific value in firebase android

I want to retrive the id that generated by firebase when I pushed value to it like next I want …

android firebase firebase-realtime-database
Error: No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase App.initializeApp()

I have a firebase database linked up to two apps, one being an iOS app and another being a web …

javascript ios node.js firebase firebase-realtime-database
Compilation failed to complete:Program type already present:

When compiling my project I get the following error message: Program type already present:…

java android firebase android-studio firebase-realtime-database
What's the difference between Cloud Firestore and the Firebase Realtime Database?

Google just released Cloud Firestore, their new Document Database for apps. I have been reading the documentation but I don't …

firebase firebase-realtime-database google-cloud-platform google-cloud-firestore