Top "Firebase-realtime-database" questions

Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud hosted, NoSQL, JSON database that provides offline caching and synchronization.

Does Firebase cache the data?

I read somewhere a claim that Firebase caches the data. So I ran this test that reads a semi large …

javascript firebase firebase-realtime-database
How to encrypt user data in Firebase

I am using the email/password sign in method for Firebase. I would like to encrypt the data users save …

encryption firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-authentication
Firebase v3 createUserWithEmailAndPassword .then Promise

Firebase v3 Reference Guide indicates that createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) returns firebase.Promise containing non-null firebase.User. The Firebase v3 Authenticate …

firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-authentication
how to implement a SetOnItemClickListener FirebaseRecyclerViewAdapter

how to implement a SetOnItemClickListener event in a Firebase RecyclerView Adapter? I use the example of documentation, chat app: private …

android firebase firebase-realtime-database firebaseui
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_FIRApp"

I am integrating Firebase in my app according to the instructions and added [FIRApp configure]; in the code however, while …

firebase firebase-realtime-database
orderByChild not working in Firebase

I am trying to query my database such that it retrieves an ordered list based on a child key. I …

javascript firebase firebase-realtime-database
How to remove all data from a Firebase database?

I started using a code that using Firebase realtime database. I implemented it to my solution. Connection and control was …

firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-console
Firebase query if child of child contains a value

The structure of the table is: chats --> randomId -->--> participants -->-->--&…

angular firebase firebase-realtime-database angularfire2
How to use snapshotChanges() method to get both key value and filter the data?

I'm working on an Angular Firebase Project, where I need to filter my database as well get the key values. …

angular firebase firebase-realtime-database angularfire2
Is there a way to use GeoFire with Firestore?

GeoFire is tightly coupled to the Realtime Database, while geo-queries are a common functional dependency of many apps that are …

firebase firebase-realtime-database google-cloud-firestore geofire