Top "Firebase-realtime-database" questions

Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud hosted, NoSQL, JSON database that provides offline caching and synchronization.

How do I export data from Firebase Realtime Database?

I am developing with Firebase and have data stored in the Realtime Database. I need to share my database structure …

firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-console
How to delete a Firebase user from Android App?

I'm trying to code a Delete User method in my Android App, but I have some issues each time I …

android firebase-realtime-database firebase-authentication firebaseui
Firebase Query Double Nested

Given the data structure below in firebase, i want to run a query to retrieve the blog 'efg'. I don't …

firebase firebase-realtime-database
How to return DataSnapshot value as a result of a method?

I don't have much experience with Java. I'm not sure if this question is stupid, but I need to get …

java android firebase firebase-realtime-database
Can multiple android application access same firebase database?

Is it possible for multiple android applications to access a single firebase backend. If no what is the alternative in …

android firebase firebase-realtime-database
Firebase HTTP Cloud Functions - Read database once

I have a Firebase HTTPs function. The function needs to read a value from a Firebase database based on the …

javascript firebase firebase-realtime-database google-cloud-functions
Android Firebase Database Storage Size Limits

I'm curious if the Firebase Database and Firebase Storage have limits. If they do, what are they? I'm planning to …

firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-storage
setPersistenceEnabled(true) crashes app

I’m creating my first Firebase App. One of its requirements is that it run when the network is not …

firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-authentication
Where can I get "serviceAccountCredentials.json" for Firebase Admin?

Here is said what I need to setup Firebase on java: FirebaseOptions options = new FirebaseOptions.Builder() .setDatabaseUrl("https://databaseName.firebaseio.…

java firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-authentication