Questions about authentication for RESTful services.
I am currently looking for a way to secure a REST API using token based authentication. I am developing the …
python-3.x flask restful-authentication flask-securityThe specification of OAuth2 states that an authorization server must not issue a refresh token when using implicit grant. In …
oauth-2.0 single-sign-on single-page-application restful-authenticationI'm trying to build a RESTful api with restify.js, but I don't want to expose the api to everyone. …
node.js authentication restful-authentication restifyI am working on an internal authentication system for users of a set of of RESTful web applications. Our intention …
authentication oauth-2.0 restful-authentication openid-providerI am building a REST API for a DotNetNuke 6 website, making use of DNN's MVC-based Services Framework. However, I don't …
dotnetnuke restful-authenticationI'm having trouble getting my authenticated tests to run (server returns 401 Unauthenticated) after logging in. var should = require('should'), _ = require(…
node.js tdd mocha.js restful-authentication supertestI'm trying to implement stateless token-based authentication on a rest api I've developed using Spring Boot. The idea is that …
rest spring-security spring-boot restful-authentication jwtI'm about to implement an RESTful API to our website (based on WCF data services, but that probably does not …
api authentication rest restful-authenticationI've installed RESTFUL authentication and everything seems to be working fine. i can signup and login. the only way i …
ruby-on-rails restful-authentication logoutMy goal is to provide a REST API to my web application. Using: Python 2.7.5 Flask==0.10.1 Flask-Restless==0.13.1 Flask-Security==1.7.3 I need to …
python flask restful-authentication flask-security flask-restless