Top "Restful-authentication" questions

Questions about authentication for RESTful services.

RESTful API without ID in the URL

I have been discussing the best way of doing this with one of my colleagues Here's an example scenario: I'm …

rest restful-authentication restful-url restful-architecture
Secured RESTful API that can be used by Web App (angular), iOS and Android

I have to lay out a plan to develop a RESTful API (Python/Flask) that could be used by our …

android iphone oauth flask restful-authentication
Rails, Restful Authentication & RSpec - How to test new models that require authentication

I've created a learning application using Bort, which is a base app that includes Restful Authentication and RSpec. I've got …

ruby-on-rails testing rspec restful-authentication
Simple way of turning off observers during rake task?

I'm using restful_authentication in my app. I'm creating a set of default users using a rake task, but every …

ruby-on-rails ruby observer-pattern restful-authentication
Authentication without Role in web.xml in JBoss AS 7

For a RESTful enterprise application I need all calls to be authenticated, but I cannot provide a common group/rolt …

authentication restful-authentication web.xml jboss7.x
How to do Rest Authentication with JAX-RS

I am looking for some pointers on how to secure my rest root resource @Path("/employee") public class EmployeeResource { @GET @…

rest jakarta-ee jersey jax-rs restful-authentication
Add Authentication to ASP.NET WebApi 2.2

I have created a WebApi 2.2 project (from an Empty New ASP.NET Project) to prove some implementation concepts and I …

c# authentication restful-authentication
Why is form based authentication NOT considered RESTful?

Although I "think" I understand it I need some clarity. With PURE Restful authentication, things do get a bit unwieldy …

forms http rest restful-authentication
WCF 4.0 REST username password authentication

I have been struggling with username/password authentication/authorization in a WCF 4.0 RESTfull service using the ASP.Net membership/role …

wcf wcf-security restful-authentication wcf-rest