Top "Restful-authentication" questions

Questions about authentication for RESTful services.

RESTful authentication for web applications

Hi already wrote this observation and question on this question earlier, but only later noticed that it was an old …

web-applications rest restful-authentication
How to secure a REST api between a single page app and a server?

I have 2 servers in place, one is responsible for the front-end application and the user authentication. This server is rendering …

api security rest restful-authentication restful-architecture
Flickr API: API key keeps getting invalid?

I’ve a Flickr which I’m using to upload pictures from my phone and all images are public. On …

api rest restful-authentication flickr
RestTemplate basic or digest Authentication with the current httpclient (4.x)

I'm trying to do Digest mostly (or Basic) Authentication using RestTemplate and httpclient (4.x). Since I couldn't find any relevant …

spring restful-authentication http-authentication basic-authentication resttemplate
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS...?

My company is reworking its API and wants to make everything RIGHT for this time ;) Thats the setup... We are …

iphone android rest restful-authentication activeresource
How to protect a Web API using ASP.NET 5 MVC 6

I have a nice ASP.NET 5 / MVC 6 app up and running. Essentially for this purpose it is just the normal … restful-authentication
REST authentication and HMAC/private key (when do I set it?)

I've been toying around with a simple application idea the last couple of days as I'm trying to teach myself …

web-services rest authentication restful-authentication
Is the Twitter API *really* RESTful?

Along with half of the web developer community, I've been struggling to really and truly grok the REST style. More …

rest restful-authentication
ExtJs Model Proxy vs. Store Proxy

OK, I'm stuck on what should be a basic task in ExtJs. I'm writing a simple login script that sends …

extjs model extjs4 store restful-authentication
How to serve HLS streams from S3 in secure way (authorized & authenticated)

Problem: I am storing number of HLS streams in S3 with given file structure: Video1 ├──hls3 ├──hlsv3-master.m3u8 ├──…

amazon-s3 video-streaming restful-authentication http-live-streaming