My company is reworking its API and wants to make everything RIGHT for this time ;) Thats the setup...
We want to achieve through a framework...
We already have found following frameworks and kindly ask you guys to evaluate them. Maybe one of you used some of them or something different...
Android: RESTProvider from Novoda / Carl-Gustaf Harroch
I am the author of the RESTProvider. Still very early stage so I would not recommend to use it in production. I have been using it on several projects which are in production but I adapted most the code to specific needs. I will try to get a public stable API by the end of the year.
In regards to reworking the API, I would suggest the following:
For documentation: 1. provide test servers 2. provide cUrl for testing 3. provide sample scripts in java/php/ruby etc...
That s all I can think for now. I might add ontop of this as I come with more suggestion.