Rails, Restful Authentication & RSpec - How to test new models that require authentication

srboisvert picture srboisvert · Sep 15, 2008 · Viewed 12k times · Source

I've created a learning application using Bort, which is a base app that includes Restful Authentication and RSpec. I've got it up and running and added a new object that requires users to be logged in before they can do anything(before_filter :login_required in the controller). [edit: I should also mention that the user has_many of the new class and only the user should be able to see it.]

I've created the new model/controller using Rspec's generators which have created a number of default tests. They all pass if there is no before_filter but several fail, as should be expected, once the before_filter is in place.

How do I get the generated tests to run as if there is/is not a logged in user? Do I need a whole batch of matching not logged in - redirect tests? I assume it is some sort of mocking or fixture technique but I am new to RSpec and a bit adrift. Good RSpec tutorial links would also be appreciated.


TALlama picture TALlama · Sep 15, 2008

I have a very similar setup, and below is the code I'm currently using to test this stuff. In each of the describes I put in:

it_should_behave_like "login-required object"
def attempt_access; do_post; end

If all you need is a login, or

it_should_behave_like "ownership-required object"
def login_as_object_owner; login_as @product.user; end
def attempt_access; do_put; end
def successful_ownership_access
  response.should redirect_to(product_url(@product))

If you need ownership. Obviously, the helper methods change (very little) with each turn, but this does most of the work for you. This is in my spec_helper.rb

shared_examples_for "login-required object" do
  it "should not be able to access this without logging in" do

    response.should_not be_success
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { redirect_to(login_url) }
      format.xml { response.status_code.should == 401 }

shared_examples_for "ownership-required object" do
  it_should_behave_like "login-required object"

  it "should not be able to access this without owning it" do

    response.should_not be_success
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { response.should be_redirect }
      format.xml { response.status_code.should == 401 }

  it "should be able to access this if you own it" do

    if respond_to?(:successful_ownership_access)
      response.should be_success