Top "Resizable" questions

To make something bigger or smaller, especially an image on a computer screen.

How to make a stable two column layout in HTML/CSS

I want a container with two columns. Details: The container Width should adjust to 100% of its parent element (easily accomplished). …

html css resizable two-column-layout
JFrame: How to disable window resizing?

I am creating a JFrame and I call the method setSize(500, 500). Now the desired behaviour is that JFrame should not …

java swing jframe resizable
How can I make an iframe resizable?

We have this group project and I was assigned to make a certain iframe resizable. I've been reading lots of …

css iframe resizable
How do I make a div width draggable?

I have a div nested inside another div which is used to display a settings console. The nested div has …

jquery css jquery-ui draggable resizable
How to make text input box resizable (like textarea) by dragging its right-bottom corner using jQuery?

I would like to have (preferrably in jQuery) regular text input box which can be clicked and dragged by its …

javascript jquery input textarea resizable
Resizable handles with jQueryUI

I need to make resizable handles like in this image. To be more specific, I need those blue dots to …

javascript jquery jquery-ui resizable handles
Custom Resizable Handles in JQuery UI

I've been attempting to create a resizable textbox (ASP.NET multiline TextBox / HTML textarea) and use JQuery UI to make …

jquery html jquery-ui user-interface resizable
Resizing DIV Panel

I am working on a website project and I need to add a resizable panel like jsfiddle or hotmail (hotmail …

jquery resizable
jQuery UI resizable not working at all

Ok here is the problem. jQuery Resizable just does not work on this page: click here Try it out on …

jquery user-interface resizable
How can I make a resizable array in Java?

What is the best way to do a resizable array in Java? I tried using Vector, but that shifts all …

java arrays implementation resizable