Top "Resizable" questions

To make something bigger or smaller, especially an image on a computer screen.

Resizable Canvas (JQuery UI)

ANY DOM element can be made resizable according to this page: However, it seems that …

jquery canvas resizable
Why disabling of stage resizable dont work in javafx?

When I try to setResizable for my scene in javaFX application it doesn't work. I still can change window size. …

javafx resizable stage
Adjust the width of 2 divs using jQuery-Resizable

I currently work on the following page: divResizable has been modified by jQuery using the following code in $().ready() $("#divResizable").…

javascript jquery css resizable jquery-ui-resizable
JQuery Draggable and Resizeable over IFrames (Solution)

I recently ran into some troubles using JQuery Draggable and Resizable plugins. Looking for solutions, i found some very fragmented …

jquery iframe draggable resizable
Set main frame not resizable

I want to set my main frame (whole application) not resizable by the user. Can anyone tell me how to …

java swing resizable
Want to auto-resize jQuery UI.Layout's div width and height when resize the container of them using JQuery UI resizable!

I am going to using jQuery UI.Layout Plug-in with JQuery UI resizable plugin. the container layout example of JQuery …

jquery layout resizable
How to add resizer to textarea in IE?

How to add resizer to textarea in IE the same as in Chrome and Firefox? jQuery.resizable() won't work for …

jquery internet-explorer resize textarea resizable
How to make html text box draggable and resizable using jQuery UI plugins?

Using jquery ui draggable plugin, I've made html text box draggable in this way: <script type="text/javascript" language="…

jquery jquery-ui textbox draggable resizable
Resizable table columns

I'm developing a web app and am looking for a way to create my own datagrids. I know that there …

javascript resizable
jQuery UI resizable fire window resize event

I have 2 events, one to detect window resize and other to detect the resizable stop of div. But when I …

javascript jquery resize resizable