To make something bigger or smaller, especially an image on a computer screen.
I am trying to append a div onClick that is both draggable and resizable with handles for resizing that div …
jquery jquery-ui resizable jquery-ui-resizable jquery-resizableI am using JSF2.0 and I have an inputTextArea component and want to prevent the enduser from resizing it.How …
jsf primefaces textarea resizableJFrame.setResizable(true) lets the user resize both the width and height of a window. Does a method exist which …
java swing user-interface jframe resizableI am stumbling through my first angular 2.4/Angular material application that is using flex-layout. It has one column with three …
angular angular-material resizable splitpane panesI'm working on an app that has a frameless window, and has a html5 video element that displays the webcam …
javascript window electron resizableJQuery UI's .resizable function does not support position: fixed; elements. The moment you try to resize them it switches their …
javascript jquery jquery-ui draggable resizableI have a problem here with resizing. I'm using the JQuery .resizable() on a div with the following css: div#…
jquery css jquery-ui resizable jquery-resizableHow can I determine the direction of resize operation? I tried googling that and found a ticket on jquery ui, …
jquery user-interface resizable